Performance Desk: SW Laureates received by the Governor

Actualité mise à jour le 26 Sept. 2017 à 17:28:22


Publié initialement le 25 Sept. 2017

Performance Desk: SW Laureates received by the Governor

Laureates of the 2017 maiden edition of the the PNDP "Performance Desk" from the South West Region, the Lord Mayors of Eyumojock and Konye councils, after receiving a reward of 50 million francs FCFA each from the hands of the SG of Ministry of Economy, Planning and Regional Development (MINEPAT), representing the Minister Louis Paul Motaze, could stop at nothing to valuably present their "catch" to Benard Okalia Bilai, 48 hours after receiving the award at Hilton Hotel in Yaounde on the 19/09/17. This was even before going back to their respective council areas. This is eloquent testimony of the joy visibly expressed from the inside of the minds and hearts of the Mayors.

The "Performance Desk" is a strategic and motivational tool elaborated by PNDP in its third phase to spur the 31 councils of the region towards a realistic, efficient and effective budget management, enhance good governance and transparency in the running of council affairs.  

The Governor, who was very elated upon receiving the Laureates, expressed profound satisfaction as he congratulated and urged them to continue to exploit avenues offered to them through development partners like PNDP for the benefit and development of the local populations. He further encouraged them to use the 50 million francs received judiciously by identifying priority projects from their CDPs as needed by their populations. The Governor seized the opportunity to call on all the mayors of the region to emulate the efforts of the Lord Mayors of Eyumojock and Konye councils to work hard in order to become Laureates by winning the "Performance Desk" in 2018 and 2019. He concluded by the thanking PNDP for this laudable initiative that will go along way to make our councils master the decentralization process and local development by respecting the relevant texts in force.

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