Littoral: Execution of small-scale projects assessed

Actualité mise à jour le 14 Sept. 2017 à 17:04:51


Publié initialement le 28 Mars 2016

Littoral: Execution of small-scale projects assessed
The Divisional Delegates for the ministries of Public Works, Public Contracts and Water and Energy in Moungo, Nkam and Sanaga Maritime joined the PNDP’s Regional Coordinator for the Littoral on March 28 to assess the execution rates of ongoing small-scale projects in the aforementioned divisions. The evaluation also brought together the mayors of Pouma, Ebone, Yabassi, Mouanko, Dizangue, Dibombari, Bare, Nkondjock, Yingui, Ndobian, Nyanon and Mombo as well as controllers for the projects in question.

The appraisal involved 51 persons who reflected on the ongoing or already completed small-scale projects so as to find solutions to problems encountered and guarantee that objectives set by PNDP and its technical partners are respected.

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